

FoGG Blog


FoGG Blog


Ghana Public Health Matters The Ghana Public Health Matters magazine is designed to inform and foster dialogue, through articles and stories on the state of public health in Ghana from various stakeholder perspectives. For the first edition as a public health journal,...

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Das Statement von Future of Ghana Germany e.V.

Das Statement von Future of Ghana Germany e.V.

Das Statement von Future of Ghana Germany e.V.    Die Ermordung von George Floyd hat das Fass zum Überlaufen gebracht – enough is enough!  Die weltweiten Proteste stehen symbolisch für die Ansammlung von Schmerz und Wut, die durch jahrhundertelangen...

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Vorbilder – my personal love story!

Vorbilder – my personal love story!

Vorbilder - my personal love story!    Vorbilder is the mentoring project of Future of Ghana Germany providing representative black role models for their younger brothers and sisters. This belongs to one of the organisation’s objectives, such as connecting...

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Befragung zur Corona-Situation in Ghana

Befragung zur Corona-Situation in Ghana

Als ghanaische Diaspora Community in Deutschland interessiert es uns sehr, wie es unseren Familien, Freunden und den restlichen Einwohnern Ghanas geht. Wir haben einige Menschen zu der aktuellen Situation in Ghana befragt. Uns ist es wichtig, dass wir weltweit...

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You Don’t Need Your Own Children To Become A Role Model.

You Don’t Need Your Own Children To Become A Role Model.

You Don’t Need Your Own Children To Become A Role Model.Not too long ago, five likeminded people and I co-founded the non-profit organization Future of Ghana Germany e.V. - FoGG. We launched the initiative “Vorbilder” (role models) in which young professionals are...

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